it has been more than a month since i last updated.
cant believe tht i m so busy tht even though i have more an 12 hours online (almost) everyday and i do not even have time for online entertainment...
kindof sad when i dun have time for myself
i have a pack schedule in May, especially at the later part of May.
now work schedule changes, workin on weekends on so its now even more pack my timing
hence i really dislike when ppl change their meetups with me, cos i will disrupt my whole schedule
i admit i m very selfish now, or i should say overbearing?
i have a fix schedule for my work, and due to shift, other ppl have to give in to me and only choose to meetup during my "off" days
my weekends used to be free, but now, other than sometimes i need to work weekend shift, i oso have my yoga lessons.
so if want to minus away my work, my yoga lessons and driving lessons, basically the time left is very limited.
ok enough of my grumbling n back to topic.
did really quite a lot of things during my last 2 weeks of May.
managed to have all the groups meetup with all the friends(except for wq), have some time for my family and have a celebration for mothers' day and catch a movie with them and started my new yoga trial
took quite a number of pics, as i will try to take a few shots for each meetups
i will post them soon~ when my schedule arent tht pack next week
or i will do it later... if my this night shift is not tht busy.