Wooh!countdown 5 hours to 2009!
haha[= wish everyone a happy year ahead~~
ok go to see almost everyone's blog
n almost everyone had updated their thoughts n feelin of 2008.
ok, my turn [=
as a lot had said, this year had been a year of change for me
i had experience workin at a small "society" n saw many things
had join a new sch n
been in a totally different learnin enviroment n noe a lot of new friends[=
of course i personally think that i change a lot
as in suddenly took up lots of "sports"
i go gym, learn yogo(S&W),go for muaythai lesson n mayb hip hop (see first=p)
haha, so i really think is a year of.... CHANGE!
哈哈[= 大家新年快乐!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
hmmm i think my blog had been quite dead n rotten le
nvm,it had been so happenin since i came back from my camp [=
sound like i makin excuses for myself XP
ok i shall start with internal camp!
1st day
一早就在报馆集合,往camp christine出发。
就是破冰游戏和学mass dance
不过我在晚上的nite game 因绊倒树的根跌倒=x
2nd day
第二天是water games 为主
但是呢,我又很白痴的被树根绊倒 = =
3rd day
amazin race 的时间!
铁达尼唯一一张grp photo!
第二名的奖品——牛牛一只和我们的grp identity
车上拍的自恋照 =p
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
pics of my cousin[= cute huh?
after 2 days of rest i finally feel much better le...
at least i can walk around in the house now XP
here to update wat happened on fri.
APPG paper ended at 9.30... which is like super early
so weiqian, subrina n i planned to go sentosa after tht.
hmmm, think should think too much bout how i did for CT....
went to try skyride n luge.
we tried to take quite a lot of pics but all unsucessful...
not my face cut off then is weiqian's face being cut=p
this is the only sucessful pic =D
but my eyes are close... so ugly. haha xD
these are the view on the skyride[=
pic taken before we goin to the luge[=
n i have learnt 1 thing...
lol, cos durin the whole luge ride... my helmet keep fallin...
after tht went back to vivo to catch a movie as it is still early
i planned to meet my sis at causeway at 5.30 for shoppin
watch igor
i think the show is ok la...
not as good as wat the ratin says... haha[=
hmmm, typical endin[=
Friday, December 12, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
ok....is officially 1 day left to the start of common test =x
i heed wat mr lau said last fri- take a good rest
haha, ok i slack for 2 whole days n didn touch any books.
actually i still not tht worry for math
thanx to mr lau. haha[=
i think all de tutorials n mol really did help.
jus tht is DEL is the headach....
'0's n '1's
50 % of havin the correct ans X
didn go sch study becos subrina was sick
hope she can get well soon n able to revise for CT [=
then online slack n wait for my sis to wake up ( she slept at 6am)
went to causeway shoppin
buy quite a lot of things XD
then went to northpt citychain.
cos the citychain dun have the watch i wan.
ok but northpt branch oso dun have =X
sian-ed... think goin to buy the other one i saw at the other shop[=
spentin n spentin money XD
spring cleanin!
haha spent whole day cleanin n tidy up everything
my mom even bought 4 bk shelfs from ikea.
took out the paint bought quite sometime ago to paint...
i heed wat mr lau said last fri- take a good rest
haha, ok i slack for 2 whole days n didn touch any books.
actually i still not tht worry for math
thanx to mr lau. haha[=
i think all de tutorials n mol really did help.
jus tht is DEL is the headach....
'0's n '1's
50 % of havin the correct ans X
didn go sch study becos subrina was sick
hope she can get well soon n able to revise for CT [=
then online slack n wait for my sis to wake up ( she slept at 6am)
went to causeway shoppin
buy quite a lot of things XD
then went to northpt citychain.
cos the citychain dun have the watch i wan.
ok but northpt branch oso dun have =X
sian-ed... think goin to buy the other one i saw at the other shop[=
spentin n spentin money XD
spring cleanin!
haha spent whole day cleanin n tidy up everything
my mom even bought 4 bk shelfs from ikea.
took out the paint bought quite sometime ago to paint...
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
haha, went to gym again yesterday after lesson.
have a hard time strugglin with chapter 5 =[
have to work more on it.
later goin sch to revise with weiqian for del.
os del i have to work double... nope triple on it.dun understand~~~
start to like to go gym le
but mostly i go there to run.
so rare huh? but while runnin keep me refresh
dun have to think of anything
dun have to think of anything
after gym went to have sukisushi with weiqian n subrina
super duper full!
oya MAYDAY is comin!!
haha, there will be a 换票活动@ ngee ann!!
wa~~ i wanna go lei! anyone wanna go with me??
Thursday, November 27, 2008
1.How many texts are in your inbox?
dunno... i only clear when it says "inbox is full"!
2.When did your last hug take place?
.... dunno.... forgot liao
3. Are you a jealous person?
i dun think so ba...
4.Are you tired right now?
now ok [= but not sure will be not later
2 hrs of DEL =x
5.Do you chew on your straws
yupp! bad habit huh
6.Have you ever been called a tease?
?? i dun think so ba [=
7.Do you like to cuddle? in my bag.
11.Do you think you can last in a relationship
8.Do you cry easily?
i could cry becos of movie n stories... but i cant when i wan to
9.Are you a heavy sleeper?
again... it depends
10.Where is your cellphone?
for 6 months?
dunno... think so ba. neva try before =p
12.Are you mad at someone right now?
nope. long time since i got tht emotion
13.Do you believe in love at first sight?
hmmm... think so?
tell u when i experience XD
14.What makes you laugh out loud?
.... funny actions, conversations etc
15.Who was the last person you talked to?
erm... this is a difficult qns, haha
cos if in sch de hua is weiqian
home de hua is my sis [=
16.Name one person on your top friends who is most like you.
17.Do you get butterflies when around the person you like?
dunno... haha
if experience le then tell u
18.Will you get married?
again... see how it goes first ba.
19.When was the last time you smiled?
smile? or laugh?
make a difference.
not sure, dun remember le
20.Does anyone like you?
dun think so ba
21.Do you secretly like someone?
22.Who was the first person you talked to today?
my sis
23.Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
24.What are you NOT looking forward to?
25.Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you they loved you, and meant it?
26.Suppose you see your ex kissing another person what would you do?
same ans,
if i experience le then tell u
27.Are you a forgiving person?
think so. at least i dun hate anyone now [=
28.What's something you really want right now?
taiwan trip? i neva noe wat i wanted
29.Do you fall for people easily?
30.Have you ever fallen for your best friend ex's ?
31.What's the last thing you put in your mouth?
32.Have you ever kissed anyone named Michelle?
though i neva involve in relationship, but i m not a lesbian..
33.Who was the last person you drove with?
meanin? same bus counted?
then is weiqian
34.How late did you stay up last night and why?
ehh... forgot le.
fell asleep when doin things.
too tired from gym =p
35.If you could move somewhere else, would you?
hmmm... alone?
mayb. i wanna experience independent life. so i will stronger
36.Do you prefer to call or text?
depends to who.
will call if urgent or sms 爆了. lol
37.When was the last time you cried really, really hard?
dun remember le. i dun think i have tht experience too.
38.Who took your profile picture?
profile pic? i dun have. haha
39.Who was the last person you took a picture with?
most probably is ly ppl ba.
dun take pics tht often.
40.Can you live a day without TV?
41.Besides your lips, where is your favorite spot to get kissed?
42. How did you feel when you woke up this morning?
tired~~~ i wanna sleep....
43. Who was the last person you took a picture of?
hengheng [=
44. How often do you see your ex?
repeat again...
i dun have 1
45. Would you ever donate blood?
YES!!! help ppl
46. Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
... think so ba
47. Do you want someone dead?
no. i not tht evil
48. What does your last text message say?
weiqian say she crossin the bridge[=
50. What are you thinking about right now?
nothing. blank
51. Do you wish someone was with you right now?
52. What time did you go to sleep last night?
53. Where did you buy the shirt you’re wearing now?
forgot liao. who will remember this kind of things?
54. Is someone on your mind right now?
55. Have you ever been in a hotel room with a friend of the opposite sex?
56. Who was the last person to text you?
57. Would you consider yourself to be spoiled?
no. at least to most of the ppl
58. What are you listening right now?
59. Did you sing at all today?
60. When’s the last time you cried?
.... again since a long long long time....
61. Who were you with yesterday?
friends, family members
62. Do you miss anyone?
63. Who was the last person in your bed?
me of course
64. Have you ever drank with your number one?
? meanin?
65. If someone liked you right now would you want them to tell you?
... anything
66. Do you want someone you can’t have?
67. When did you last talk to your brother or sister?
68. Where were you at 2:02 am this morning?
in my bed sleepin~~
69. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now?
no, not possible ba
70. Do you want to tell someone something?
Bonus question. Who do you want to tag?
anyone who wanna do[=
dunno... i only clear when it says "inbox is full"!
2.When did your last hug take place?
.... dunno.... forgot liao
3. Are you a jealous person?
i dun think so ba...
4.Are you tired right now?
now ok [= but not sure will be not later
2 hrs of DEL =x
5.Do you chew on your straws
yupp! bad habit huh
6.Have you ever been called a tease?
?? i dun think so ba [=
7.Do you like to cuddle? in my bag.
11.Do you think you can last in a relationship
8.Do you cry easily?
i could cry becos of movie n stories... but i cant when i wan to
9.Are you a heavy sleeper?
again... it depends
10.Where is your cellphone?
for 6 months?
dunno... think so ba. neva try before =p
12.Are you mad at someone right now?
nope. long time since i got tht emotion
13.Do you believe in love at first sight?
hmmm... think so?
tell u when i experience XD
14.What makes you laugh out loud?
.... funny actions, conversations etc
15.Who was the last person you talked to?
erm... this is a difficult qns, haha
cos if in sch de hua is weiqian
home de hua is my sis [=
16.Name one person on your top friends who is most like you.
17.Do you get butterflies when around the person you like?
dunno... haha
if experience le then tell u
18.Will you get married?
again... see how it goes first ba.
19.When was the last time you smiled?
smile? or laugh?
make a difference.
not sure, dun remember le
20.Does anyone like you?
dun think so ba
21.Do you secretly like someone?
22.Who was the first person you talked to today?
my sis
23.Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
24.What are you NOT looking forward to?
25.Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you they loved you, and meant it?
26.Suppose you see your ex kissing another person what would you do?
same ans,
if i experience le then tell u
27.Are you a forgiving person?
think so. at least i dun hate anyone now [=
28.What's something you really want right now?
taiwan trip? i neva noe wat i wanted
29.Do you fall for people easily?
30.Have you ever fallen for your best friend ex's ?
31.What's the last thing you put in your mouth?
32.Have you ever kissed anyone named Michelle?
though i neva involve in relationship, but i m not a lesbian..
33.Who was the last person you drove with?
meanin? same bus counted?
then is weiqian
34.How late did you stay up last night and why?
ehh... forgot le.
fell asleep when doin things.
too tired from gym =p
35.If you could move somewhere else, would you?
hmmm... alone?
mayb. i wanna experience independent life. so i will stronger
36.Do you prefer to call or text?
depends to who.
will call if urgent or sms 爆了. lol
37.When was the last time you cried really, really hard?
dun remember le. i dun think i have tht experience too.
38.Who took your profile picture?
profile pic? i dun have. haha
39.Who was the last person you took a picture with?
most probably is ly ppl ba.
dun take pics tht often.
40.Can you live a day without TV?
41.Besides your lips, where is your favorite spot to get kissed?
42. How did you feel when you woke up this morning?
tired~~~ i wanna sleep....
43. Who was the last person you took a picture of?
hengheng [=
44. How often do you see your ex?
repeat again...
i dun have 1
45. Would you ever donate blood?
YES!!! help ppl
46. Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
... think so ba
47. Do you want someone dead?
no. i not tht evil
48. What does your last text message say?
weiqian say she crossin the bridge[=
50. What are you thinking about right now?
nothing. blank
51. Do you wish someone was with you right now?
52. What time did you go to sleep last night?
53. Where did you buy the shirt you’re wearing now?
forgot liao. who will remember this kind of things?
54. Is someone on your mind right now?
55. Have you ever been in a hotel room with a friend of the opposite sex?
56. Who was the last person to text you?
57. Would you consider yourself to be spoiled?
no. at least to most of the ppl
58. What are you listening right now?
59. Did you sing at all today?
60. When’s the last time you cried?
.... again since a long long long time....
61. Who were you with yesterday?
friends, family members
62. Do you miss anyone?
63. Who was the last person in your bed?
me of course
64. Have you ever drank with your number one?
? meanin?
65. If someone liked you right now would you want them to tell you?
... anything
66. Do you want someone you can’t have?
67. When did you last talk to your brother or sister?
68. Where were you at 2:02 am this morning?
in my bed sleepin~~
69. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now?
no, not possible ba
70. Do you want to tell someone something?
Bonus question. Who do you want to tag?
anyone who wanna do[=
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
went to West Mall for brunch durin today's brak
go to eat BK.
so rare tht i will go eat BK XD
WHS practical test today
n it was horrible =[=[
i m the last one to complete n everything was a big mess from step 1
though cher was super lenient sayin tht everyone will pass
but it still depress me....
but no matter wat i mus say a big thanx to Tom, Andrew n Subrina.
cos without their help i think i have to struggle half n hour more??
after sch went to gym - aerobics - gym
quite tired but i start to like to go for a run.
at least while exercisin i dun have to think so much
quite tired but i start to like to go for a run.
at least while exercisin i dun have to think so much
当时一意孤行选择了engineerin course是不是错误的开始?
ok i m too tired to blog in chi now...
cos i think i will type real long if is in chi.
met lingying ppl for dinner yesterday after my IS.
envy them><
cos from their description i noe tht they were havin lots of fun!!
went to office again to take my pay.
haix dun like tht i have to go all the way down jus to take my pay.
journey like so far =[
as usual fell asleep on 167.
slept for a long time, when i woke up,
i tot i to sembawang then back yishun! scared me...
common test is COMIN!!!
omg.... i really no confident in DEL =[[[
all i noe bout the module is "0" n "1"!
i dun understand wat teacher say in lecture
luckily this semester de EG2 is taught by mr lau.
if not i will fail oso.
cos maths really need practise, n obviously
since poly life started i dun study&revise at home =X
tml is workstation practical test...
haix... think will fail tht ba
this is one of the module tht i dun have confident=[
cos i think i will type real long if is in chi.
met lingying ppl for dinner yesterday after my IS.
envy them><
cos from their description i noe tht they were havin lots of fun!!
went to office again to take my pay.
haix dun like tht i have to go all the way down jus to take my pay.
journey like so far =[
as usual fell asleep on 167.
slept for a long time, when i woke up,
i tot i to sembawang then back yishun! scared me...
common test is COMIN!!!
omg.... i really no confident in DEL =[[[
all i noe bout the module is "0" n "1"!
i dun understand wat teacher say in lecture
luckily this semester de EG2 is taught by mr lau.
if not i will fail oso.
cos maths really need practise, n obviously
since poly life started i dun study&revise at home =X
tml is workstation practical test...
haix... think will fail tht ba
this is one of the module tht i dun have confident=[
Monday, November 24, 2008
ok... now in the lib doin the ppt for later CATS PRESENTATION!
so last min huh? n obviously i m not doin anything XP
so not my style, anyway i will do other things later.
hmmm, wonder how the presentation will go.
ok this reminds me of the eg2 presentation on last fri.
it was e-learnin week n we r suppose to watch the video
so everyone pluck in the earpiece.
mr lau said he will choose 6 ppl to present examples of the topic we learn
n like teach the class.
then after tht he say out the sequence of the 6 ppl to present.
surprisingly i heard my NAME!!!
i was really like huh?!?!?!
ok i swear i didn hear mr lau askin me to do de presentation...
then i started to panic like siao while other ppl are presentin =x
thanx tht weiqian n subrina are helpin me so tht i m able find some examples
then the next prob is tht we 3 all neva bring batt =[
so peiseh to let everyone wait for us...
thanx jasper for lendin us his battery.
if not i think we will have to drag even longer X(
of course ur could predict how bad my presentation was done....
went popular after lingying meetin
saw a notebk n i think is super nice! =D
而这本记事簿的名字是 ——独家。爱
很巧吧? 呵呵
so last min huh? n obviously i m not doin anything XP
so not my style, anyway i will do other things later.
hmmm, wonder how the presentation will go.
ok this reminds me of the eg2 presentation on last fri.
it was e-learnin week n we r suppose to watch the video
so everyone pluck in the earpiece.
mr lau said he will choose 6 ppl to present examples of the topic we learn
n like teach the class.
then after tht he say out the sequence of the 6 ppl to present.
surprisingly i heard my NAME!!!
i was really like huh?!?!?!
ok i swear i didn hear mr lau askin me to do de presentation...
then i started to panic like siao while other ppl are presentin =x
thanx tht weiqian n subrina are helpin me so tht i m able find some examples
then the next prob is tht we 3 all neva bring batt =[
so peiseh to let everyone wait for us...
thanx jasper for lendin us his battery.
if not i think we will have to drag even longer X(
of course ur could predict how bad my presentation was done....
went popular after lingying meetin
saw a notebk n i think is super nice! =D
而这本记事簿的名字是 ——独家。爱
很巧吧? 呵呵
Friday, November 21, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
ok i goin to post this in eng,
haha, cos like have been postin in chi.
this post supposingly should post a few days again,tue if i not wrong.
but ok very tired everyday, especially wed!
done a lot of workout,
gym - aerobics - gym!
super tirin after tht.
green apple green tea - super Green
extreme GREEN!!!
wahaha, very GREEN rite?
these are the sweets i buy to stock up for the week XD
then this is wat i realise. GREEN!
ok, nothing to say le.
cos forgot le.... =p
Monday, November 17, 2008
today CATS didn do anything much.
called weiqian after my lesson but she neva pick up.
go her class oso like neva see her, then i tot she went off first.
walk till blk 56 then receive her sms.
jus thinkin wan to walk back not when i saw carmen!
lol, carmen like so 尴尬, cos she with her bf.
nvm, i dunno wat is the 尴尬for.
yoga lesson did quite lot of stretching.
there are really some pose tht i cant do...
when to listen to world skill competition briefin after tht.
i think only 11 ppl attend de briefin=x
if being selected means tht i have to sacrifice all the vacation X(
sign up for tht but i dun think i m able to be selected. lol, jus try
cos like even u cant represent de sch or singapore,
but i still think will able to learn a lot from the whole competition.
came back home real late. 10 plus i think.
when office to collect the pay.
omg really very pekcek as the journey back home is soon long.
hungry + tired = super bad temper...
wa... long post.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
hey! got this at jing qing's blog. i think is fun!! haha[=
1. Turn on your music player & change it to shuffle mode.
2. Press forward for every question.
3. Use the song titles as the answers for each question, even though it may sound totally ridiculous! (You'll know if you cheat huh!)
4. Tag anyone who you'll like to do the quiz.5. Oh and you can comment on how your answers turn out!
Okay, here we go..
How are you feeling today?
hmmm.... lol? what should i love? my sleep? hahaXD
Will you get far in life?
omg!! i will be gone soon?? Nooooooo
How do your friends see you?
this shows tht i m a busy person in their eyes??
hmmm... but is quite true in my 家人 eyes =x
Will you get married?
手放开- 李圣杰
this means a no?? or take me do to take it too seriously?
What is your best friend's theme song?
What is the story of your life?
What was your high school like?
dun think so... haha[=
What is in store for this weekend?
?? i dun understand =p
To describe your grandparents?
they are like a sing, then wat kind of song will they be?
chi opera? ><><
Will you have a happy life?
this means i have to 趁早___to lead a happy life [=
What do your friends think of you?
陪我歌唱- 苏打绿
i dun sing tht often. haha, i only go k with ly ppl before XP
Do people secretly lust after you?
dun think too much. lol
How can I make myself happy?
who is the someone tht can make me happy??
my plush???
What should you do with your life?
Will you ever have children?
lol. like a bit no link.
What song will you strip to?
i thinkin is 病态to strip.
If a man in a van offered you candy, what would you do?
no link again...
What does your mother think of you?
oohhh... so i m brave in my mother's eyes =D
What is your deep dark secret?
..... no comments..... haha
What is your mortal enemy's theme song?
so??! do i look like i care??
What's your personality like?
i myself dun even noe...
What song will be played at your wedding?
courage is needed to get into marriage....
ok this post i have dragged very long. ( today is 17 nov XP )
this is becos i didn really use my com these few days.
i have been readin n readin. haha, many books waiting for me to finish =D
1. Turn on your music player & change it to shuffle mode.
2. Press forward for every question.
3. Use the song titles as the answers for each question, even though it may sound totally ridiculous! (You'll know if you cheat huh!)
4. Tag anyone who you'll like to do the quiz.5. Oh and you can comment on how your answers turn out!
Okay, here we go..
How are you feeling today?
hmmm.... lol? what should i love? my sleep? hahaXD
Will you get far in life?
omg!! i will be gone soon?? Nooooooo
How do your friends see you?
this shows tht i m a busy person in their eyes??
hmmm... but is quite true in my 家人 eyes =x
Will you get married?
手放开- 李圣杰
this means a no?? or take me do to take it too seriously?
What is your best friend's theme song?
What is the story of your life?
What was your high school like?
dun think so... haha[=
What is in store for this weekend?
?? i dun understand =p
To describe your grandparents?
they are like a sing, then wat kind of song will they be?
chi opera? ><><
Will you have a happy life?
this means i have to 趁早___to lead a happy life [=
What do your friends think of you?
陪我歌唱- 苏打绿
i dun sing tht often. haha, i only go k with ly ppl before XP
Do people secretly lust after you?
dun think too much. lol
How can I make myself happy?
who is the someone tht can make me happy??
my plush???
What should you do with your life?
Will you ever have children?
lol. like a bit no link.
What song will you strip to?
i thinkin is 病态to strip.
If a man in a van offered you candy, what would you do?
no link again...
What does your mother think of you?
oohhh... so i m brave in my mother's eyes =D
What is your deep dark secret?
..... no comments..... haha
What is your mortal enemy's theme song?
so??! do i look like i care??
What's your personality like?
i myself dun even noe...
What song will be played at your wedding?
courage is needed to get into marriage....
ok this post i have dragged very long. ( today is 17 nov XP )
this is becos i didn really use my com these few days.
i have been readin n readin. haha, many books waiting for me to finish =D
Monday, November 10, 2008
哈哈[= 这个礼拜帮hui mian 和subrina 一起吃饭庆祝他们的生日。
我和wei qian相差一天,huimian 和subrina相差一个星期。
星期二到bugis junction一家叫V8 cafe 吃晚餐。
那家餐厅的西餐满好吃的,又不会很贵。气氛呢。。。也ok [=
星期五到suki sushi 庆祝。
在我和huimian通电话约好在哪里见时,mr lau 忽然问我和谁通电话。
lol,下了我一跳。weiqian ,subrina 也是觉得奇怪为什么老是会问。
我和wei qian相差一天,huimian 和subrina相差一个星期。
星期二到bugis junction一家叫V8 cafe 吃晚餐。
那家餐厅的西餐满好吃的,又不会很贵。气氛呢。。。也ok [=
星期五到suki sushi 庆祝。
在我和huimian通电话约好在哪里见时,mr lau 忽然问我和谁通电话。
lol,下了我一跳。weiqian ,subrina 也是觉得奇怪为什么老是会问。
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
你不是真正的快乐 - 五月天
人群中哭着 你只想变成透明的颜色
你已经决定了 你已经决定了
你静静忍着 紧紧把昨天在拳心握着
你决定不恨了 也决定不爱了
这世界笑了 于是你合群的一起笑了
你决定不恨了 也决定不爱了
我站在你坐着 却伤感着银河
难道就真的抱着遗憾一直到老了 然后再后悔着
你决定不恨了 也决定不爱了
我站在你坐着 却伤感着银河
为什么失去了 还要被惩罚呢
人群中哭着 你只想变成透明的颜色
你已经决定了 你已经决定了
你静静忍着 紧紧把昨天在拳心握着
你决定不恨了 也决定不爱了
这世界笑了 于是你合群的一起笑了
你决定不恨了 也决定不爱了
我站在你坐着 却伤感着银河
难道就真的抱着遗憾一直到老了 然后再后悔着
你决定不恨了 也决定不爱了
我站在你坐着 却伤感着银河
为什么失去了 还要被惩罚呢
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
i m sooo happy!
i m able to make blood donation =D
haha, went sch today at bout 12.30pm to go for blood donation.
waited very long for my turn.
very nervous when the nurse testin the iron lvl in my blood.
the bad omen happen again when the nurse need to use the machine to check.
cos my blood drop float in the water =x
super lucky! pass the test by 0.1. haha[=
cos u mus be at least 12.5 n mine is 12.6!
haha, but becos of the donation i m late for in2.
actually is like miss most of the lesson
but cher neva say anything XP
happy happy =D
see the pic i took durin de blood donation
oya, my blood flow super fast. haha,
cos the person beside me start transferrin before me but i ended eariler.lol
transferrin blood...
bandage on my arm[= GREEN!
the rose i made out of the bandage[=
squeezy ball use for blood donation. becos of halloween, so is a pumpkin. cute rite?
after tht went to np@45.
ok i really quite dissappointed.
say start at 7pm, waited for very long...
at first wanted to leave by 7.30pm de.
but like a lot of ppl crowd at the bag collection booth there.
we 3 ( subrina n wei qian ) went to one corner to stone.
the long wait really spoil my mood=[
went in at bout 8pm n i think we left by bout 8.10pm or 8.15pm.
haix... really waste our time. we tot got performance or wat tht y drag.
in the end is a empty hall.
really 失败..
aix... even lingying kbox is much more high lor!
算了,i will not get cheated again.
everyone waitin to go in. so many ppl...
everyone like so high n happy... only we 3 emoin...
one corner..
inside... ok very dark. green one are the laser.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
haha edit blog liao[=[=
pc i fix liao ok?? lol!
pic time....
very old one~~
this is the pic i took on my birthday[= starbucks at united square[=
really nice atmosphere!
my birthday pic again... haha [=
at kbox with lingying.
oso celebrate zhi yuan birthday becos his birthday is on the 3rd oct!
this is a big husky i saw at holland V with yue cong.
very cute rite? haha! he oso very 乖, cos ppl walk pass pat him he oso does bark!
heng heng pic!
he havin fever then, haha, so got the cloth thingy. haha[=
but he still very cute!
Monday, October 27, 2008
haha... long time since i last blog.
erm actually i got a lot of things to update de.... but now blank. haha XP
change blog link...
cos dun wan someone to see.
hmmm today very moody.
jus dunno y=[ 真失败,想找个聊天的人都没有...
sms son on the way back home.
big thanx to him for tokin to me[=
at first dun dare to sms him
scare later disturb his studies.
son mus jia you k???
after each sub then jus flash it down de toliet bowl.
dun think bout it le!
oya, try dun think so much n plenty of rest.
sch as usual ba. nothin much.
jus tht DEL is very borin.
meetin carmen,dor,pink n yin chow tml (later)
shit stupid emo 情绪
erm actually i got a lot of things to update de.... but now blank. haha XP
change blog link...
cos dun wan someone to see.
hmmm today very moody.
jus dunno y=[ 真失败,想找个聊天的人都没有...
sms son on the way back home.
big thanx to him for tokin to me[=
at first dun dare to sms him
scare later disturb his studies.
son mus jia you k???
after each sub then jus flash it down de toliet bowl.
dun think bout it le!
oya, try dun think so much n plenty of rest.
sch as usual ba. nothin much.
jus tht DEL is very borin.
meetin carmen,dor,pink n yin chow tml (later)
shit stupid emo 情绪
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
omg really have been very long since i last update =x
more than a week le i think..
wat can i say??
hmmm sch reopen le.
quite ok i think.
still the same classmates[=
still very virus ==
actually wat i should do is post pics...
cos i really got a lot in my phone.
pics of langkawi..
pics of kbox...
pics of starbucks..
but dun worry! i goin to collect my laptop later! (16/10)
more than a week le i think..
wat can i say??
hmmm sch reopen le.
quite ok i think.
still the same classmates[=
still very virus ==
actually wat i should do is post pics...
cos i really got a lot in my phone.
pics of langkawi..
pics of kbox...
pics of starbucks..
but dun worry! i goin to collect my laptop later! (16/10)
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
jus change de blog song.
super old song.
got quite a few versions.
but i chose the original one.
though some part the high pitch i think a bit scary
but i still think is nice[=
especially de lyrics. simple but meaningful
作词:吕学海 作曲:陈复明 编曲:陈玉立
super old song.
got quite a few versions.
but i chose the original one.
though some part the high pitch i think a bit scary
but i still think is nice[=
especially de lyrics. simple but meaningful
作词:吕学海 作曲:陈复明 编曲:陈玉立
Monday, October 6, 2008
i will be 1 year older in 5 min time!
really a big thanx to all!
my slibings, son, carmen, pc, yue cong, dor,wei qian etc...
i m touch by all of ur de sms-es, e-card n presents. thanx!!!
i suddenly remember de FM 93.3 de song they play everyday for de birthday person.
lol =D
but i think i will have to break the promise i made to myself =x
i dun think i could make blood donate tml (today)
cos i forgot n take chinese medicine yesterday ( 2 days b4)=[
today(yesterday) meet carmen cos we wanna to go back school to collect our first aid cert.
but went for a jog in the mornin first.
go woodlands stadium then went for lunch at bpp.
i think is my first time i went bpp n woodlands stadium.haha XD
then when we went to ngee ann
i think i m quite 失败
as in i think we took more than 30 min to find red cross club house
n when we finally found it it is lock!
when we gave up waitin n went into lib to check our mail again
then we saw they dunno wat time send a email sayin change of collection date! =xxx
we both like diao ==lll waste our afternoon~
recently wanted to go taiwan for a backpack trip
so lookin for all de info needed.
now then i noe de airport tax is soooo ex!
more ex than de ticket i think...
i like sooo sad man.
cos my sis say if like tht de hua mayb cant go le=[[
sad sad. then she say mayb change to a cheaper country first
like thailand or malaysia.
then like next next year earn money then go...
sound so hopeless....
really a big thanx to all!
my slibings, son, carmen, pc, yue cong, dor,wei qian etc...
i m touch by all of ur de sms-es, e-card n presents. thanx!!!
i suddenly remember de FM 93.3 de song they play everyday for de birthday person.
lol =D
but i think i will have to break the promise i made to myself =x
i dun think i could make blood donate tml (today)
cos i forgot n take chinese medicine yesterday ( 2 days b4)=[
today(yesterday) meet carmen cos we wanna to go back school to collect our first aid cert.
but went for a jog in the mornin first.
go woodlands stadium then went for lunch at bpp.
i think is my first time i went bpp n woodlands stadium.haha XD
then when we went to ngee ann
i think i m quite 失败
as in i think we took more than 30 min to find red cross club house
n when we finally found it it is lock!
when we gave up waitin n went into lib to check our mail again
then we saw they dunno wat time send a email sayin change of collection date! =xxx
we both like diao ==lll waste our afternoon~
recently wanted to go taiwan for a backpack trip
so lookin for all de info needed.
now then i noe de airport tax is soooo ex!
more ex than de ticket i think...
i like sooo sad man.
cos my sis say if like tht de hua mayb cant go le=[[
sad sad. then she say mayb change to a cheaper country first
like thailand or malaysia.
then like next next year earn money then go...
sound so hopeless....
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
this is my new friend! haha[=
my first present this year.
saw this present on my bed when i came home this evenin
very cute rite?? haha, my sis noe me the best!!
went to dor house to stay over again.
then we met yin chow n went queensway for fbt.
actually is carmen wanted to buy de, ended up bought 1 for myself oso.
cos school goin to reopen real soon n need 1 for S&W.
spent money again=x
cant wait for de internet plan to end.
is super pek chiek one.
the connection will always be down when u need it. argh!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
I M BACK !!!
haha, ok i m back from my langkawi trip[=
is super fun i tell ur!
beautiful beach, prefect weather n fun friends.
haha, jus tht there dun have nice shoppin centres xD
ok i shall post the pics later.
but this is a test carmen introduce.
did this before i went for hol. to me is quite true..... haha x]
You are Gold Raccoon, who display an easy outlook, and arevery graceful.
You give an impression of typical traditional Japanese women. ( ? lol??)
You are always quiet, and will not speak out your thoughts openly. (hmmm..)
Your modesty and gracefulness will avoid friction, and will be able to make the harsh atmosphere turn friendly.
You tend to forget things easily and make easy promises. ( ooops... i m sorry everyone =x )
But your cheerful and active character pays for those weak points.
It may be a good idea if you take notes. ( try my best ba )
You don't think things seriously, and people may think you to be too indifferent. ( really??! hmmm... )
This may be a good thing to do sometimes, but it may also result in you losing important things and people.
But once you set an objective, your concentration is amazing.
Once you start on something, you will accomplish the goal no matter what. ( omg! y i oso dunno? haha )
Unlike your pretty atmosphere,
in real life, you are very active person,
and although you may look sensitive, you have great nerve and guts. (hmmm... )
You also possess observing eyes towards people,
and have great talent and know how to get on in life. ( =D )
You act as though you are weak towards men,
but really you are the one manipulating them successfully. ( ... hmmm... )
You are likely to make your husband a dominating one. ( -_-^ )
You are more interested in your career than your love life.
But once you fall in love, you get extremely passionate,
and will attack with all your heart and mind and strength.
After getting married, you will put all your energy into your family. ( omg is this good or bad?? wahaha XD )
did this out of fun[=
interested de hua can go this website:
haha, ok i m back from my langkawi trip[=
is super fun i tell ur!
beautiful beach, prefect weather n fun friends.
haha, jus tht there dun have nice shoppin centres xD
ok i shall post the pics later.
but this is a test carmen introduce.
did this before i went for hol. to me is quite true..... haha x]
You are Gold Raccoon, who display an easy outlook, and are
You give an impression of typical traditional Japanese women. ( ? lol??)
You are always quiet, and will not speak out your thoughts openly. (hmmm..)
Your modesty and gracefulness will avoid friction, and will be able to make the harsh atmosphere turn friendly.
You tend to forget things easily and make easy promises. ( ooops... i m sorry everyone =x )
But your cheerful and active character pays for those weak points.
It may be a good idea if you take notes. ( try my best ba )
You don't think things seriously, and people may think you to be too indifferent. ( really??! hmmm... )
This may be a good thing to do sometimes, but it may also result in you losing important things and people.
But once you set an objective, your concentration is amazing.
Once you start on something, you will accomplish the goal no matter what. ( omg! y i oso dunno? haha )
Unlike your pretty atmosphere,
in real life, you are very active person,
and although you may look sensitive, you have great nerve and guts. (hmmm... )
You also possess observing eyes towards people,
and have great talent and know how to get on in life. ( =D )
You act as though you are weak towards men,
but really you are the one manipulating them successfully. ( ... hmmm... )
You are likely to make your husband a dominating one. ( -_-^ )
You are more interested in your career than your love life.
But once you fall in love, you get extremely passionate,
and will attack with all your heart and mind and strength.
After getting married, you will put all your energy into your family. ( omg is this good or bad?? wahaha XD )
did this out of fun[=
interested de hua can go this website:
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
haha[= went to spent money again.
actually these are old photos...
as in i bought them last thurs.
below are the 2 polo i got from S&K[=

this is the bag i bought
think very long, dunno wanna buy not...
cos very ex (to me=x)
see the 2 colour below?
i got the white one n dor got de black one[=

ok, below are all de 自恋pic we took at united square.
went there after leavin ps.
cos ps de esprit dun have the cap carmen like...
so go united square try our luck...
there de star buck very beautiful lei......
especially night time[=[=
dunno ur see b4 not.
those who wanna go for date can go there xD

actually these are old photos...
as in i bought them last thurs.
below are the 2 polo i got from S&K[=
this is the bag i bought
think very long, dunno wanna buy not...
cos very ex (to me=x)
see the 2 colour below?
i got the white one n dor got de black one[=
ok, below are all de 自恋pic we took at united square.
went there after leavin ps.
cos ps de esprit dun have the cap carmen like...
so go united square try our luck...
there de star buck very beautiful lei......
especially night time[=[=
dunno ur see b4 not.
those who wanna go for date can go there xD

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